Help and Information Centre - GA3


Set up wizard - Estimate storage

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GA2/3 allows you to choose whether you want estimates to remain on your system after converting to an invoice or if you want them removed.

If you choose NO, once an estimate has been converted it will be removed completely from your system.

If you choose Yes you will then be able to quickly view the original estimate from within the invoice screen, this can be useful to help sort out disputes over estimated charges and the final invoiced charges.

Storing estimates will increase the size of your database over time and is not essential unless you wish to keep these records.

You can also set the default Valid to period for estimate.

When the estimate expires, it remains on system however is hidden from the front main menu page, it can be found by listing all estimates, or searching by specific details.

The principle behind this is to keep your documents in progress sections relatively clutter free by selectively hiding older documents.

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