Help and Information Centre - GA3


How to set up the on-line booking system in GA3

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This guide relates to GA3

The online booking system allows your customers to book their MOT or Service on-line from the comfort of their home or office at a time that's convenient for them 24/7 365 days a year with just a few clicks.

First, you will need to contact us to activate the booking system on your account.

When your system has been activated you can set up the system in GA3 and on your web page(s) by following the instructions below:

1. Choose Admin > Online Booking Module > 'Activate Online Booking Module for GA3'.

2. Log in to your account area on our website

3. Choose on-line booking system from the left menu.

4. The first thing you will need to do is add a new service, this is at the bottom of the page.

Example 1.  
Service Name:  MOT 
Description:  Class 4 
Price:  £40.00

Example 2. 
Service Name:  Interim Service 
Description:  Cars & Small Vans 
Price:  From £79.98

You can select an image / icon for this service and then choose 'save and close'.
Further options are now available for this new service by clicking the appropriate service heading. 

You will notice that this service is now showing as having 1 active bay
If required you can add more bays to this service by clicking 'add new bay'.

5. Next, you will need set up your booking times.

Choose 'booking times' from the menu,  
Choose which days you wish to accept bookings by selecting the available days.
Add booking slots to your desired days by selecting the day it should apply to,
entering your start time and the duration

6. Next, choose 'unavailable dates'.

Select the dates that you don't wish to accept bookings, use the tabs on the top for further options. 
For example use 'repeating' for Christmas and any yearly holidays' or one off' for dentist appointments or range for any booked staff holidays.

7. Add more services or more bays to each service as required.

8. Go back to GA3's admin area and map your on-line bays to GA3 bays, this can be done via the online booking menu, choosing Map Online Bays.  

This is fairly straight forward, simply copy the number displayed next to the service on the right-hand side into the appropriate GA3 bay.


Now you will need to add a booking button to your website so customers can book on-line. 

Click here for the instructions to add a booking button to your website.

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